Playing Catch-Up

| Tuesday, April 20
This weekend was a wash, with the Hub coming back from his business trip and all, so I'm finally getting around to writing a new post.

I've got two things to write about tonight.

#1 - Who Returns

So, the US premier of Doctor Who. I frakkin' LOVE Eleven, even though it's a bit strange that he's younger than me. I'm not THAT old (see 20something Bloggers)! His introduction where he's trying to decide what food he likes was hilarious. And I love that he finally decides he loves "fish custard." So gross. And little Amelia Pond doesn't even blink.

Also, how cute is the whole apple thing with the smiley face and the fact that it looked fresh over ten years later?

I think I'm gonna love this new season A LOT!

#2 - Last Night's Castle
What are two of my favorite no-longer-running space-related tv shows? As we all know, Battlestar Galactica and Firefly would be the answer. What do you get when you add the two together? You get Nathan Fillion AND Michael Trucco on last night's episode of Castle, "Den of Thieves." The more I watch this show, the more I love it.

I'm generally not big on crime procedurals, but I do love me some Nathan Fillion, so I started watching this one. It's proven to be pretty clever. And last night's episode was fun. Liked how the two guys played off each other and how Beckett got caught in the middle. I'd like to be in her position...

"But he's dead."
"That's impossible."
"Unless he's a zombie..." Thank you for that insight Mr. Castle.

Oh, yeah, and speaking of hot guys, don't forget to tune in tomorrow.


Eleni said...

Ooh, Michael Trucco on Castle? I have to check it out! (Castle is one of the shows I've stopped watching regularly since starting grad school.)

He's been making the rounds. He was on V last week and it made me so happy. Mmmm. Though I think it made my boyfriend somewhat less happy ;)

Kara said...

Hub tends to okay the drooling since he's been labeled Mr. Starbuck in our circle. :) And it looks like it might just be a recurring guest spot!

Unknown said...

I LOVE Castle more than you can know. It is awesome, funny, silly, excellent, amazing, witty, dramatic. My love for it is boundless.

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